Greetings from Mike Seymour!
Academic Stuff
I defended my Ph.D. thesis in 1999. It is entitled "Refining Low-Quality
Digital Elevation Models Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry".
I have some
information about it on-line if you are interested.
My current address is (April 2003):
EADS Systems and Defence Electronics - ISR Geomatics,
Tel: +33 (0)5 61 00 35 63 Fax: +33 (0)5 61 00 35 35
Selected Publications
- M.S. Seymour and I.G. Cumming, Improving DEMs Using SAR Interferometry Presented at the RADARSAT-1 ADRO Symposium, Montreal, October, 1998. This paper is available on-line.
- M.S. Seymour and I.G. Cumming, Calibrating Interferometers With
High-quality DEMS Presented at the International Geoscience
and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS'97, Singapore, August 3-8,
1997. This paper is available on-line.
- M.S. Seymour and I.G. Cumming, InSAR Terrain Height Estimation
Using Low-Quality Sparse DEMs published in Proceedings of the
3rd ERS Scientific Symposium, pages 421-426, Florence, Italy, March
17-21, 1997. This paper is available on-line.
- M.S. Seymour and I.G. Cumming, An Iterative Algorithm for ERS
Baseline Estimation presented at FRINGE'96 .
This paper is available on-line.
- M.S. Seymour and I.G. Cumming, Maximum Likelihood Estimation
for SAR Interferometry in IGARSS'94, (Pasadena Cal.), 1994.
A corrected version of this paper is available online in
postscript format.
M.S. Seymour, T.E. Scheuer, and M.R. Davenport, Interferometric SAR
terrain height estimation experiments in DARPA Interferometric
SAR Technology and Applications Symposium, 1993.
M.S. Seymour and T.E. Scheuer, Aspects of terrain height
estimation using interferometric SAR , in IGARSS'92,
(Houston, Texas), 1992.
M. S. Seymour and S.H. Haykin ISAR using Thomson's
multiwindowed adaptive spectrum estimation method ,
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,
Vol 29, pp. 1065--1070, 1993.
Personal Stuff
I really enjoy outdoor's activities such as skiing,
biking, and camping. Recenment, je suis en train d'apprendre
le francais a cause de ma femme . J'ai fait une page pour mieux connaitre
la France.
Mike Seymour's page / Revised: August 4, 1999.