"Digital Processing of SAR Data"

by Ian Cumming and Frank Wong
Artech House, Norwood, MA
January 2005


  1. Introduction to SAR Systems
  2. Fundamentals of DSP
  3. Pulse Compression of Linear FM Signals
  4. Synthetic Aperture Concepts
  5. SAR Signal Properties
  6. The Range Doppler Algorithm
  7. The Chirp Scaling Algorithm
  8. The Omega-K Algorithm
  9. The SPECAN Algorithm
  10. Processing ScanSAR Data
  11. Comparison of Algorithms (Summary)
  12. Doppler Centroid Estimation
  13. Azimuth FM Rate Estimation
  14. Appendix A: CD of RADARSAT-1 Data

The book concentrates on the processing of data from remote sensing SAR's, with an emphasis of satellite SAR's such as RADARSAT and ENVISAT. The material is approached from a DSP point of view, and a mathematical exposition, block diagrams and examples are provided for each of the SAR processing algorithms.

If you are interested in buying the book, please refer to the publisher's web site and title search for "author=cumming".

The book has been translated into the Chinese language by Dr. Wen Hong and her students at the Institute of Electronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (October 2007). It is published by the Publishing House for Electronics Industry.

We apologise for a few typos in the equations. Please see the sheet of "Errata".

Reading the RADARSAT CD

One of the unique features of the book is the inclusion of a CD of RADARSAT-1 SAR signal data. Readers can use the data on the CD to practice the development of SAR processing software using the algorithms described in the book.

The CD contains SAR signal data in CEOS format, which takes some practice to decipher. To aid the reader, the document, "Extracting SAR DATA from the CD", is provided to explain the CD reading programs.

These CD reading programs are written in MATLAB. They extract a selected region of SAR signal data from the CD, ready for your processing programs. Note that software for processing the raw data into focused images is NOT included on the CD. You can write your processing programs using MATLAB, as we have, or using other languages that can read the extracted binary data files.


The authors are happy to receive feedback on any aspects of the book, including errors, suggestions for improvement, MATLAB programs, etc.

We are able to deliver custom courses on any aspects of the technology discussed in the book.

Ian Cumming,     February 4, 2005                             Back to RRSG Homepage